The Railway Era system helps group model railway products by the approximate time period in which the original ran in real life. Originally introduced to the UK market by Bachmann, based on a similar system used by European model railway manufacturers, it has now been widely adopted by all the main manufacturers and retailers.
The eras themselves are based broadly around dates when there were significant changes to the railways in Britain, for example nationalisation, or a major change in livery. As such they are a very broad brush approach, and there can be some significant differences within eras as well as some overlap between eras. However, they do provide a handy reference guide to the way that the railways in Britain have evolved over the years.
The dates and names assigned to the eras in this guide are those originally used by Bachmann, and are the most commonly adopted across the model railway industry. But the cut-off point between some eras is fairly arbitrary, and some manufacturers have chosen different start and finish dates in some cases. So products which fall on the cusp of two different eras may be allocated differently, depending on the source of the information.
The inaugural journey of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, by A.B. Clayton. Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
This era starts right at the very beginning of rail transport in Britain, and takes us through to the mid-Victorian era when railway companies mostly turned from growth by building new lines to growth by acquisition and consolidation. Although new track would continue to be laid for several decades to come, the number of different railway companies had reached its peak by the 1870s.
There are very few ready-to-run model railway products from Era 1, the most prominent being the versions of Stephenson's Rocket marketed first by Triang and, more recently, Hornby as part of their own centenary celebrations. This makes building a layout based on the era difficult, unless you are prepared to do a lot of kit building or even scratchbuilding. However, replicas of many early locomotives have been constructed for museums and demonstration lines, so you could always do a museum scene or a layout based on a preserved line!
Hornby R30345
S&DR, 0-4-0, Locomotion No. 1 - Club Exclusive
Hornby R3810
L&MR, Stephenson's Rocket Train Pack - Era 1
Hornby R30090
L&MR, Stephenson's Rocket Train Pack - Era 1
Hornby R40438
L&MR, 2nd Class Coach - Era 1
Hornby R3809
Stephenson's Rocket Train Pack, Centenary Year Limited Edition - 1963
Hornby R30232
L&MR, Centenary 1930 'Lion' Train Pack – Era 1
Hornby R3956
L&MR, Stephenson's Rocket Royal Mail Train Pack - Era 1
Hornby R40371
L&MR, Centenary 1930 Carriage and 'Huskisson' Coach Pack – Era 1
Hornby R60165
L&MR Sheep Wagon Pack
Hornby R40437
L&BR, No. 2 'Queen Adelaide's Saloon' - Era 1
Hornby R30233
L&MR No. 58, 'Tiger' Train Pack
Accurascale ACC2803-D
Pack of 3 Pontop & Jarrow Railway - Two ex-NER P1 style Chaldron wagons and an S&DR style Chaldron wagon in pre-1932 lettering, circa 1910
Ambulance Train. Postcard of the London and Northwestern Railway during World War I. Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
The late Victorian and Edwardian era is considered by many to have been the "golden age of the railways". The amount of track had reached its zenith, and, with little competition from road transport, the railways were the primary medium and long distance mode of transport for both passengers and freight. It was also a colourful era, with the many different railway companies all having their own distinctive liveries.
The end of Era 2 covers the First World War and its immediate aftermath, when the entire network was effectively commandeered for the duration of the war and run by the government's Railway Executive Committee. This creates several opportunities for modelling unusual combinations of locomotives and rolling stock, as well as specialised trains not seen in peacetime.
Era 2 is not particularly well-represented by model railway manufacturers, but there are enough products to make it feasible to construct a layout based on that era entirely from off-the-shelf products. However, you will need to do some research to ensure that you get the right combination of locomotives and rolling stock, as the railway companies varied hugely in terms of how large their network was and what kind of traffic ran on it. If you're willing to do some kit building, though, it becomes a lot easier.
Bachmann NRM57
GWR City Class 3440 City of Truro
Hornby R3780
LB&SCR, 'Terrier', 0-6-0T, 655 'Stepney' - Era 2
Rapido NRM55
GNR Stirling Single 4-2-2 No.1
Bachmann 31-740
MR 1532 (1P) Tank 1273 Midland Railway Crimson Lake
Hornby R3780X
LB&SCR, 'Terrier', 0-6-0T, 655 'Stepney' - Era 2
Bachmann 35-280Z
Caledonian Railway Blue McIntosh 812 Class 0-6-0 Steam Locomotive No.828 (As Built)
Hornby R40296
S&DJR, 6 Wheel Coach, 1st Class, 3 - Era 2
Heljan 9000
Metropolitan Bo-Bo electric 20 in Metropolitan livery
Bachmann 31-910
LB&SCR H1 Atlantic 39 'La France' LB&SCR Lined Umber
Dapol 4S-027-001
Wainwright D Class SECR Green 4-4-0 Steam Locomotive No.488 (Pre Grouping Silk Finish)
Hattons H4-P-002
SECR P Class 0-6-0T 753 in SE&CR full lined green (with brass)
Dapol 4S-010-009
Stroudley Terrier A1 Class LBSC (Ex Gipsyhill) 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive No.643 DCC Ready - OO Gauge
"The Flying Scotsman" at full speed. LNER Engine No. 2547 "Doncaster" with corridor tender. Photo: F.R. Hebron. Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
The Golden Age of the railways was brought to a fairly brutal end by WWI. One outcome of this was the realisation that the large number of different railway companies that existed up to that point was unsustainable; many of them were loss-making already and the war pushed them even further over the edge. So the government passed the Railways Act which grouped almost all of the existing companies into four regional companies:
Although the grouping helped to stabilise the rail industry, it didn't solve the problem of increasing competition from road transport. Passenger and freight both dropped after the end of WWI, and this era saw the first closures of some uneconomic lines - a scenario not helped by the 1930s economic depression.
Despite that, this is an era which is very popular with railway modellers. There is a large number of products suitable for the era, and the choice of four grouped companies makes it easier to mix and match suitable locomotives and rolling stock. It's also an era which is well-documented in print and on camera, so if you want to do your own research there is plenty of material out there.
If Era 2 represents the Golden age, then Era 3 is considered the "Classic" age, when steam technology was at its peak and some of the most famous locomotives and trains, such as Mallard (still the world record holder for the fastest steam locomotive), Flying Scotsman and the Coronation Scot, made their debut.
Alternatively, this is an era which covers WWII and the specialised traffic which ran on the railways during that time, such as troop trains and military equipment, often hauled by locomotives imported from the USA. This can make for an interesting, and very different type of model railway layout.
Kernow Models K2305
GWR Steam Railmotor Diagram O number 61 in GWR Choc Cream
Hornby R3819
LMS 6231 'Duchess of Atholl', Centenary Year Limited Edition - 1948
Hornby R30387
LMS Black 5 Stanier 5MT ‘Eric Treacy’ 4-6-0 5428 Steam Locomotive
Hornby R4873
RailRoad LMS Coaches, three pack, 'Coronation Scot' - Era 3
Hattons H4-AB14-004
Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14” 1863 in Caledonian Railway lined blue
Hornby R3433
LNER, D16/3 Class, 4-4-0, 8900 'Claud Hamilton' - Era 3
Hornby R3540
Wainwright H Class 0-4-4T SR
Hornby R3596
LMS Black 5 Class 4-6-0 No.5000
Bachmann 35-281Z
McIntosh 812 Class 0-6-0 Steam Locomotive in LMS Black Livery No.17566
Hornby R40227
LNER, Coronation Observation Car, 1719 - Era 3
Rapido 971007
Diagram O18 – GWR No.97199
Hornby R30136
LNER, Class B17/5 4-6-0, 2859 'East Anglian' - Era 3
Ashchurch Railway Station, 1950. Photo by Ben Brooksbank, CC-BY-SA, via Geograph
Like Era 2, Era 3 was brought to an end by war. This time, though, the newly elected Labour government under Clement Attlee concluded that the best way forward for the railways was full nationalisation. British Railways came into existance on 1st January 1948, when it took over the assets of the Big Four.
Economically, this was not a good time for the railways. Competition from the roads continued to grow, and the legacy of wartime damage had inflicted huge costs on the network. Although experiments were made with diesel locomotives, the government remained committed to steam as the primary motive power in order to benefit from the ready availability of domestically produced coal.
Era 4 is not hugely popular with modellers, although it is easy to model as, like Era 3, there are a large number of products available. It lacks both the colour and glamour of pre-war railways, while the predominantly steam-powered traction can be boring by comparison with later BR.
However, if you like to model gritty, grimy reality then it could be right up your street! The early days of British Railways are well documented in print and online, so researching appropriate locos and rolling stock is relatively easy.
This was also the last era before the network started to shrink considerably, so there are still plenty of small, out of the way branch lines that can realistically be modelled.
Hornby R3971
Hornby Dublo: BR, Merchant Navy Class, 4-6-2, 35011 'General Steam Navigation' - Era 4
Hornby R30227
BR, Stanier 5MT 'Black 5' Caprotti, 4-6-0, 44755 - Era 4 (Web Exclusive)
Heljan 2812
Class 28 CoBo D5710 in BR green with no yellow ends
Bachmann 35-282Z
McIntosh 812 Class 0-6-0 Steam Locomotive in BR Black Early Emblem No.57565 - Weathered
KR Models 10100-Fell-2
BR 10100 "The Fell" Locomotive, BR Black Early Crest
Bachmann MR-105
USA 0-6-0T Steam Locomotive number 300
Rapido MR-202
LNER Class J70 in BR livery with early emblem and full skirts
Accurascale ACC2505-7812
‘Erlestoke Manor' BR Green (Late Crest) Manor Class 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive No.7812
Hornby R3627
BR, A3 Class, 4-6-2, 60103 'Flying Scotsman’ - Era 4
Hornby R3632
BR, Merchant Navy Class, 4-6-2, 35024 ‘East Asiatic Company’ - Era 4
Hornby R3970
Hornby Dublo: BR, Merchant Navy Class, 4-6-2, 35016 'Elders Fyffes' - Era 4
Hornby R30283
BR, Coronation Class, 4-6-2, 46220 'Coronation' - Era 4 (Club Exclusive)
British Rail Class 121 railcar at Staines West railway station, Middlesex. Photo by Lamberhurst, CC-BY-SA, via Wikimedia Commons
The era starts with a change in the British Railways livery, with the introduction of a new logo: the British Rail Crest. This was a genuine heraldic device, registered with the College of Arms, and officially described as a demi-lion rampant holding a silver wheel (or, more popularly, a ferret and dartboard!).
The effects of the Modernisation Plan were being felt in this era, with the last steam locomotive being built in 1960 and a major shift to diesel and electric under way. It was also the era of the Beeching Report, which saw the network cut back drastically in order to save money on uneconomic branch lines.
Era 5, or the Transition Era as it's commonly known, is popular with modellers as it allows steam and diesel locomotives to run side by side. There are a large number of suitable products available, including many of the early, experimental diesels which only had a short life in service. Heljan, in particular, specialises in making models of the early diesels, and there aren't many left that haven't been covered.
It's also within living memory of many people, and for those not old enough to remember the sixties (or those who, as the saying goes, can remember them but weren't really there) there are plenty of books and websites with useful information. Surveys on RMweb repeatedly show Era 5 as the most popular modelling era.
EFE Rail E99939
London Underground 1938 Tube Stock, 4-Car Motorised Train
Bachmann MR-109
USA 0-6-0T Steam Locomotive number 30067
Hornby R60057
Pullman, Sir Winston Churchill's Funeral Hearse, S2464S - Era 5
Bachmann 31-236A
Class 205 DEMU 1121 BR (SR) Green (Small Yellow Panels) (Weathered)
Set of 3 Consett Iron Ore Wagons - Pack A (With Load)
Hornby R3918
Hornby Dublo: BR, Coronation Class, 4-6-2, 46252 ‘City of Leicester’ – Era 5
Bachmann MR-104A
USA 0-6-0T Steam Locomotive number 30064
Heljan 45108
Class 45 BR Green Livery Half Yellow Panels Unnumbered (Olivia's Trains Exclusive) Diesel Locomotive
Hornby R3988
BR, 9F Class, 2-10-0, 92220 'Evening Star' - Era 5
Hattons H4-AB16-001
Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16” 2244 ‘No.10’ in NCB lined black
KR Models GT3
English Electric 4-6-0 Gas Turbine Locomotive
Bachmann 32-217A
GWR Class 57xx 0-6-0 Pannier Tank L92 London Transport Lined
Abingdon railway station in 1970. Photo by John Lawson, CC-BY-SA, via Geograph
Marked by another change in livery, this time with the introduction of Rail Blue and the Double Arrow logo. Steam had gone from the network, but many of the experimental diesels were still around. The era is described as "Pre-TOPS", because, although the colour and logo had changed, locomotive numbers remained the same as in the preceding green and black eras.
The changes in colour and the withdrawal of steam didn't stem the loss of traffic to road-based competitors, though. The underlying infrastructure was still essentially Victorian, outdated and costly to maintain.
Era 6 is one of the less popular timespans to model, although it does allow the opportunity to run green and blue diesels together. There are fewer products available than for other BR eras, mainly because people who do model BR Blue tend to prefer the next era, the TOPS era.
Bachmann 31-238A
Class 205 DEMU 1122 BR Blue (Weathered)
Hornby R4871
Pullman, 5-BEL 'Brighton Belle' Coach Pack - Era 6
Bachmann 39-675
BR Mk2F TSO Tourist Second Open BR Blue & Grey (InterCity)
Heljan 2303
Class 23 Baby Deltic diesel D5909 in BR Blue with large yellow ends
Bachmann 39-255
BR Mk1 RUO Restaurant Unclassified Open BR Blue & Grey
Bachmann 39-264BPF
BR Mk1 RMB Restaurant Miniature Buffet BR Blue & Grey
Bachmann 35-504SF
Class 117 3-Car DMU L412 BR Blue
Bachmann 39-277
BR Mk1 GUV General Utility Van BR Blue
Hornby R3606
Pullman, 5-BEL 'Brighton Belle' Train Pack - Era 6
Bachmann 38-915K
SE&CR 25T 'Dance Hall' Brake Van BR Crane Mess Van
Bachmann 37-588
BR 45T TTA Tank Wagon 'Murco' Grey
Bachmann 32-333SF
Class 25/3 D7660 BR Blue (Small Yellow Panels)
HST heads west at Victory Crossing, just west of Taunton. Photo by Richard Szwejkowski, CC-BY-SA, via Flickr
The change this time was marked by the introduction of the Total Operations Processing System (TOPS). This didn't make a lot of difference to the visual appearance of the trains (although by now, the earlier green livery had completely disappeared), but the numbers applied to locomotives and rolling stock all changed.
This era also saw the introduction of the iconic High Speed Train and the associated "Inter City" branding for long distance travel. It was also a time when BR used TV advertising to try to attract passengers back onto the network - anyone who was around at the time will remember "The Age of the Train".
Traffic continued to decline, though, and by the early 1980s passenger numbers were down to a level last seen a hundred years earlier.
Era 7 is popular with modellers, at least partly because it's often a time that's well remembered - something that the advertising campaigns contributed to. And it's very well served by the manufacturers, with a large number of suitable products available.
Hornby R3608
BR InterCity, Class 43 HST Pack, Power Car and Dummy Power Car W43002 and W43003 - Era 7
Bachmann 39-725DC
BR Mk2F DBSO Driving Brake Second Open BR Blue & Grey (InterCity)
Accurascale ACC2671QXLEXL
Derby RTC Test Service Vehicles - Twin Pack
Hornby R60008
The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' Wagon
Accurascale ACC230437001DCC
Class 37/0 37001 BR Blue Diesel Locomotive DCC Sound
Hornby R3948
BR, Class 370 Advanced Passenger Train Non-Driving Motor (NDM), 49004, Era 7
Bachmann 35-925SFX
Class 08 08329 BR Blue (Wasp Stripes)
Accurascale CL55 (55015)
'Tulyar' Class 55 015 Deltic in BR Blue Livery with Finsbury Park White Cab
Hornby R3707
Longmorn Distillery, R&H 48DS, 0-4-0, 'Queen Anne' - Era 7
Dapol 4D-006-018D
Class 73 JB BR Blue Full Yellow Panels 73120 Diesel Locomotive - DCC Fitted
Bachmann 37-532B
BR 20T Brake Van BR Bauxite (TOPS) (Weathered)
Bachmann 35-531SF
Class 121 Single-Car DMU W55034 BR White & Blue
90032 and 92047 stabled at Wolverhampton on 19 August 1990. Photo by Phil Richards, CC-BY-SA, via Flickr
In the late 1980s, British Rail started to split its services into specific sectors that handled different types of traffic. Freight traffic was categorised as Rail Express for parcels traffic, Railfreight Distribution for general wagon load freight and Trainload Freight for dedicated trains comprising a single type of load (for example, coal or oil). Passenger services were allocated to different sectors based on geography, for example Network Southeast.
The different sectors all had their own logos and liveries, which introduced a welcome amount of diversity to the railway network in place of the previously uniform blue and grey.
This period also saw the decline in passenger traffic finally level off, with improved trains and better services helping to attract users back to the railways.
Era 8 is popular with modellers, and the Network Southeast sector in particular is one of the most commonly modelled.
Heljan 4677
Class 47/3 47321 in Railfreight Distribution
Heljan 9009
Metropolitan Bo-Bo electric 12 Sarah Siddons in London Transport/Metropolitan livery (1990s preserved condition)
Accurascale ACC2893
Class 60 60092 'Reginald Munns' TTG Triple Grey Coal Sector Diesel Locomotive
Bachmann 35-530PF
Class 121 Single-Car DMU 55022 BR Network SouthEast (Original)
Bachmann 35-530SF
Class 121 Single-Car DMU 55022 BR Network SouthEast (Original)
Bachmann 35-906SF
Class 08 08928 BR Railfreight (Red Stripe)
Bachmann 39-677
BR Mk2F TSO Tourist Second Open BR InterCity (Executive)
Heljan 4100
Dogfish ballast wagons - Civil Engineers Dutch. Lightly weathered, unloaded - Pack of 4
Bachmann 37-540
BR 20T Brake Van Rail Express Systems
Bachmann 39-533
SR QVV (Ex-PMV) Staff Tool Van BR Departmental Yellow
Accurascale ACC2695
Mark 2C MK2C TSO(T) Network SouthEast Blue No.6500
EFE Rail E86018
NAA Propelling Control Vehicle 94320 Rail Express Systems
King's Cross Station, interior 1999. Photo by Ben Brooksbank, CC-BY-SA, via Geograph
In 1994, the government started the process of privatising the railways. Rather than return to the pre-war system, the newly privatised railways were split between the infrastructure, managed by Railtrack (later to become Network Rail) and the train operating companies, or TOCs, which were licensed on a franchise basis. Early franchises included names such as Virgin Trains, GNER, EWS and Freightliner.
This period saw the demise of many diesel and electric locomotives that had previously hauled passenger trains, with their replacements being newly introduced multiple unit stock such as Pendolinos. Older freight locomotives also started to be phased out, with new classes brought in by the new franchise holders. The Channel Tunnel opened in 1994, bringing truly international rail travel to the UK for the first time and the start of construction on the UK's first high speed rail line, HS1.
Privatisation also saw the start of a steady increase in passenger numbers, for the first time since Edwardian era. By the mid-2000s, passenger traffic was back to a level not seen since the end of WWII.
Era 9 offers a lot to the modeller, with many newly introduced locomotives and multiple units, including the French TGV trains in their Eurostar guise.
Hornby R40001
Eurostar, Class 373/1 'Yellow Submarine' Divisible Centre Saloons Coach Pack
Accurascale ACC2573
Class 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001
Accurascale ACC22351
TransPennine Express Mk5a Pack 1
Hornby R30069
GBRf Class 66, Captain Tom Moore – A True British Inspiration
Heljan 5020
Set of Two Cargowaggon Bogie Ferry Vans (Railadventure two-tone grey "Barrier Wagon")
Accurascale ACC3033
Class 60 60075 'Liathach' Mainline Grey Diesel Locomotive
Accurascale ACC22352
TransPennine Express Mk5a Pack 2
Hornby R3772
Northern Rail, Class 156, Set 156480, DMS No. 57480 and DMSL No. 52480, 'Spirit of the Royal Air For
Hornby R4934A
Hogwarts, Mk1 SK Nos. 99721
Hornby R4934
Hogwarts, Mk1 SK Nos. 99716
Bachmann 32-393ASF
Class 37/7 Refurbished 37800 'Cassiopeia' Europhoenix (ROG)
Hornby R3777
EWS, Class 66, Co-Co, 66005 - Era 9
Southeastern High Speed Class 395 Javelin No. 395018 at London St Pancras International. Photo by Peter Skuce, CC-BY-SA, via Wikimedia Commons
The key marker for this era - and hence the title - was the realisation, following the Hatfield and Potters Bar rail crashes, that the network was aging and needed considerable investment. Tracks were relaid, new signalling systems started to be installed, and new safety systems were introduced. Many stations were reconstructed to meet the needs of the 21st century travelling public. And HS1 was finally completed, bringing high speed rail to the UK, and plans were drawn up for HS2 and beyond.
New operators, and new liveries, came on the scene, with passenger franchises changing hands and freight operators being taken over and merged. Names such as DB Schenker and Greater Anglia arrived on the tracks.
Passenger levels also continued to rise. By the mid-2010s, numbers were now higher than at any time in the history of railways in Britain.
Era 10 isn't quite so well served by the model railway manufacturers as those either side of it, but there are still plenty of products available - including the UK's first high speed trains and the special liveries introduced for the London Olympics in 2012.
Hornby R3808
Cross Country, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43357 and 43304 - Era 10
Hattons H4-RHTT-001
Rail Head Treatment Train Sandite with 2 wagons and sandite modules
Hornby R4898
'Northern Belle' Mk2D Coach Pack - Era 10
Bachmann 35-580
Class 171/7 2-Car DMU 171722 Southern
Hornby R3892
VTEC, Class 91, Bo-Bo, 91111 'For the Fallen' - Era 10
Hattons H4-RHTT-004
Rail Head Treatment Train Sandite with 2 wagons and sandite modules - weathered
Hornby R3662
GWR Class 153, DMSL, 153368 - Era 10
Hornby R3747
GBRf, Class 66, Co-Co, 66779 'Evening Star' - Era 10
Hattons H4-RHTT-002
Rail Head Treatment Train Water Jet with 2 wagons and water jetting modules
Dapol 4D-022-009S
Class 68 Daring 68006 Scotrail Late Modified DCC & Sound
Hattons H4-GPC-010
YOB Plasser 12t GPC crane DRP81532 in Balfour Beatty white and blue (1999-Present)
Accurascale ACC2615
Class 37/4 37422 'Victorious' DRS (unbranded) Diesel Locomotive
GBRF Class 66731 'Captain Tom Moore'. Photo by GB Railfreight
One of the biggest post-2015 changes was the introduction of more "open access" operators - TOCs that, rather than having their own geographic franchise, run point-to-point services between specific cities through areas normally operated by other franchisees.
Construction has started on HS2 and other major infrastructure projects, including Crossrail. But the period also saw the financial collapse of key franchise holders, such as Virgin Trains East Coast, leading the government to take direct control of some rail services for the first time since privatisation. More recently, the Covid pandemic has created an uncertain future for the railways, with passenger numbers dropping again for the first time since privatisation.
Modelling the present day is always a challenge, since as soon as you model it it becomes history! But this era is well served by the model manufacturers, with new locomotives and new liveries being replicated in model form almost as soon as they appear on the rails.
Hornby R3698
ScotRail, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43033 and 43183 - Era 11
Hornby R3813
Southeastern Class 395 ' Visitor Centre'
Hornby R3609
GWR, IEP Bi-Mode Class 800/0 'Queen Elizabeth II' & 'Queen Victoria' Train Pack - Era 11
Hornby R3696
GWR, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43093 'Old Oak Common - HST Depot 1976-2018' and 43016 - Era 11
Accurascale 37610
Class 37/6 HNRC BR Blue (Wrap Around Yellow Noses) Diesel Locomotive
Hornby R4967
DRS, Mk2F Brake Standard Open, 9521 - Era 11
Hornby R3802
LNER, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43315 and 43309 - Era 11
Hornby R30222
DB Cargo, Class 66, Co-Co, 66004 'Climate Hero' - Era 11 (Web Exclusive)
Hornby R3900
GWR, Class 08, 0-6-0, 08645 'St. Piran' - Era 11
Banana Van Fyffes Bauxite B881955
Hornby R4779A
GWR, Mk3 Buffet (TRFB), 40743 - Era 11
Hornby R3770
GWR, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43002 'Sir Kenneth Grange' and 43198 - Era 11
Great British Railways Transition Team logo
The Covid pandemic exposed serious flaws in the way that the railway industry in the UK is strutured, and plans to reform it were first proposed by the Williams-Shapps Rail Review published in 2021. Replacing the passenger rail franchise system with a concession contract system under a unified national brand was a key part of the proposals.
More recently, following the 2024 general election, the incoming Labour government has committed to following in Clement Attlee's footsteps and renationalise the railways, although in this case it will be done by gradually taking franchises back unto state ownership as they expire rather than imposing a compulsory transfer.
As yet, no date has been set for the first trains to run under GBR branding. But when it does happen, this will be the biggest change to happen on the railways since the 1990s privatisation. A new era will have begun, in more ways than one.