Ratio 502

Cattle Dock

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Manufacturer description

Ratio Lineside Kits OO/HO

Cattle Dock

A common feature of country stations large and small, whilst market town cattle docks could be very large indeed. Our model is of the one at Yeovil Pen Mill (GWR) Station, Somerset. Livestock (Modelscene Cows Ref. 5100, Sheep and Lambs Ref. 5110, Pigs Ref. 5108, and Horses Ref.5105) was conveyed on British railways until around 1973, although many cattle docks remained in place unused, becoming overgrown - an interesting scenic feature. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 170mm x 110mm

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