Bachmann 35-529PF

Class 121 Single-Car DMU W55033 BR Blue

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Prototype Era
Era 7 (1972 to 1982) British Rail Blue (TOPS)

Manufacturer description

The Class 121 single-car Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) is Bachmann Branchline’s flagship First Generation multiple unit, equalled only by its 3-car Class 117 stablemate. Employing cutting edge technology, these high fidelity models boast a wealth of detail and era-specific options to depict specific railcars at various points during their working careers which, for some, extended towards 60 years in service. Returning to the Branchline range in a selection of new liveries, these iconic suburban DMUs will make a fine addition to any model railway set in the steam-diesel transition period onwards.

Catalogue listing

Product Code
Autumn 2024
Release date
Sep/Oct 2024

Bachmann website

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