Published on Tuesday 29 May 2012 by World of Railways
July's BRM is a scenery special with the majority of the magazine set aside to scenic splendour. Find out more at
There's also the first printed copy of Rmweb's Modelling Inspiration magazine inside too.
News and Reviews
What's new includes a first look at Hornby's new heavy freight GWR tank locos as well as the new limited edition wagon for this year's Midland Railex. Under the spotlight are Kernow's clay hopper wagons and ModelZone's limited edition technical services Class 47..
Layout Focus
Ashburton - this attractive GW branch terminus in N gauge, Blandford St Mary
- a fictitious Dorest by-way in 7mm scale, Cliffhanger - a spectacular narrow gauge scenic layout in OO9 and Ravens Rock - Welsh quarry in O16.5.
Best of the best
Some of the superbly scenic layouts that have featured in BRM over the years.
Practical BRM
How to... Create realistic weeds, create sea-water, model a beach, make realistic grass and create a backscene in watercolours.
Plus Points Arising and Diary Dates.
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