Rapido 968502

Port of Par Bagnalls Twin Pack – Lined Light Green (As Preserved) (DCC Sound Fitted)

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Prototype Eras
Era 5 (1957 to 1966) British Railways Late Crest
Era 10 (2005 to 2015) Rebuilding of the Railways
Era 11 (2016 to 2024) Current Era

Livery and condition as preserved - eras show both original and preservation era, where applicable.

Manufacturer description

Double pack of “Judy” (Bagnall 2572) and “Alfred” (Bagnall 3058)
2010s condition
Lined light green livery
Special Presentation Box
Illustrated booklet describing the history of the locomotives
Postcard print of exclusive Jonathan Clay painting
Coreless motor
Plunger pickups
Sprung buffers
Detailed cab interior
Factory-fitted speaker
Poseable rear shutters
Diecast metal running board
Optional scale couplings
Optional bufferbeam inserts
Tooling variations to accurately portray each loco

Catalogue listing

Product Code

Model details

DCC status
DCC Sound Fitted

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