Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs
Prototype Eras
Era 4 (1948 to 1956) British Railways Early Crest
Era 5 (1957 to 1966) British Railways Late Crest
Era 6 (1967 to 1972) British Rail Blue (Pre-TOPS)
Era 7 (1972 to 1982) British Rail Blue (TOPS)
The slogan on this Scammell Highwayman Crane says it all 'Something to Crow About'. There is so much colourful detail! Carrying the name Samantha Charmaine along the sides of the bonnet, the red bodywork is complemented by the yellow and blue dropped shadow work advertising this famous showman's outfit. Registered XYY 201, the yellow masking extends to the fine coach lines on the body and top of the cab. Black mudguards and chassis and lots of chrome work finish off the model.
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