Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs
The BMW Isetta must be one of the most unusual vehicles used by the RAC throughout the history of the roadside assistance organisation. The Isetta was of Italian origin although it was licensed for manufacture in many countries, including Germany. It was the first car to achieve 94 mpg and when it was introduced in the 1950s, it was the world's top selling single cylinder car. Obviously, its attributes attracted the RAC and we see it here registered 305 CUP, painted in their signature blue and white colour scheme of the time, with a grey interior and a specially tooled equipment box in blue, white and with a grey roof, fixed across the rear. Our model will certainly be an unusual if not unique addition to your RAC roadside assistance collection, at the same time appealing to bubble car enthusiasts generally. Note that the restored example has a single rear wheel whereas our model has dual rear wheels.
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