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Prototype Era
Era 11 (2016 to 2025) Current Era
A KFA is a container flat wagon. Commonly these are constructed using bogies reclaimed from other wagons such as TEA tankers. Built in Finland from the late 1980s onwards, the KFA has become a mainstay of the modern rail network, able to haul standard-sized intermodal shipping containers within the restricted loading gauge that has resulted from a continued reliance on Victorian invention.
At just over 60 feet long, the KFA can accommodate a raft of different containers from the standardised range, which tend to use the two main sizes of 40 feet and 20 feet. Be it three twenty-foot containers or a twenty-footer and a forty-footer, the KFA can haul them with ease.
The Hornby KFA wagon is fully die-cast, with some separately fitted details on the chassis enhancing the level of detail achieved with what can sometimes be seen as quite a plain wagon. Studs on the chassis allow for the fitting of modular containers both included with the set and available separately. This KFA container wagon model has a load of two 20’ containers and one 20’ tanktainer.
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