Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs
Prototype Eras
Era 3 (1923 to 1947) The Big Four (LNER, LMS, GWR and SR)
Era 11 (2016 to 2025) Current Era
Celebrate the centenary year of the legendary Flying Scotsman locomotive with this 4 wheel coach. This coach has a teak finish as was common place for coaches from the LNER and earlier GNR under whos ownership Scotsman is perhaps most famous. Whether a fan of 4472, 502, 103 or 60103 this is the perfect coach to add to your collection. This coach is compatible with the maglight system allowing the interior to be illuminated and is finished with details including the Flying Scotsman nameplate and the official logo of the centenary year.
Produced under licence for SCMG Enterprises Ltd. © SCMGE. Every purchase supports the museum.
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