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Prototype Era
Era 4 (1948 to 1956) British Railways Early Crest
This RailRoad B4 Class steam shunter is the ideal little tank engine for a model railway layout. Whether running a short train around a layout or shunting wagons in a goods yard, it is the perfect little steam engine for getting things moved! This RailRoad model is a good example of a privately owned steam shunter that could have been seen working in an industrial setting.
The B4 Class were first introduced in the 1890’s with their original purpose being for station piloting and shunting freight wagons in docks. They were designed by London and South Western Railway (LSWR). The close wheel configuration made them ideal for shunting around tight radius curves that were common in docks and works yards with limited space. Two examples of these fine locomotives are still preserved today.
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