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Prototype Era
Era 5 (1957 to 1966) British Railways Late Crest
Our ‘Tri-ang Hornby Remembered’ set recreates the nostalgia of the original, using the same artwork on the box lid, and includes the BR green-liveried locomotive with its small yellow warning panels, which were typical of the time, plus Pullman Cars ‘Jane’ and ‘Ruth’, and Pullman brake ‘No.7’.
Back in the 1960s, the track in Tri-ang Hornby train sets was the new Super 4 system introduced in 1962, but today’s recreation has current Hornby trackwork, comprising of a 1st radius starter oval of track, power clip and uncoupling ramp.
Historically Tri-ang train sets didn’t include a controller and therefore this collectable re-creation of the historic train set also doesn’t contain a controller. If you wish to run this you will also need to purchase our R7229 Analogue Controller and P9000 wall plug transformer or our R8012 HM2000 Analogue Controller.
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