Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs
Prototype Eras
Era 9 (1995 to 2004) Initial Privatisation
Era 10 (2005 to 2015) Rebuilding of the Railways
Era 11 (2016 to 2025) Current Era
This is the evergreen PIKO Track Cleaning vehicle with a modern British twist. Fitted with NEM tension lock couplings, this vehicle is hauled around your layout and dust is collected by the track cleaning pads mounted underneath the wagon.
This wagon is in no way prototypical but will be an essential part of keeping your track clean. A replacement cleaning pad can be purchased under reference GM4930101.
This wagon forms part of our Gaugemaster Collection range which includes Locomotives, Wagons and Starter Sets in various scales.
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