EFE Rail E85015

LSWR Adams O2 W25 SR Maunsell Green

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Prototype Era
Era 3 (1923 to 1947) The Big Four (LNER, LMS, GWR and SR)

Manufacturer description

The LSWR Adams O2 makes a welcome return to the EFE Rail range, and this model sports a new tooling variant not previously seen on these LSWR 0-4-4Ts. The new tooling allows us to depict locomotives with open coal rails atop the coal bunker, an original feature of the Isle of Wight locomotives before they were rebuilt with larger bunkers. The model sports an impressive level of detail and is supplied with an accessory pack which includes bufferbeam pipework, route indicator discs and a set of etched metal loco tools. Smooth running is assured thanks to the powerful coreless motor, whilst the 6 pin DCC decoder socket is easily accessible inside the smokebox, thanks to the magnetic door providing simple access for those wishing to fit a DCC decoder. At the rear of the loco, wiring has been provided into the coal bunker for a speaker to be fitted below the removable coal load, for those wishing to add a speaker and sound decoder.



Catalogue listing

EFE Rail
Product Code
Summer 2024
Release date
June 2024

EFE Rail website

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