Dapol 4F-017-021

Lime Wagon Crawshay Bros 132

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Prototype Era
Era 3 (1923 to 1947) The Big Four (LNER, LMS, GWR and SR)

Manufacturer description

The production of lime is an ancient process and reflects the importance the product has played in human development through the ages. Lime is a key ingredient in building materials such as mortar and cement, it is also an essential ingredient in many chemical processes, from the food industry to the manufacture of steel and bleach.

Moreover, prior to major industrialisation lime has also played an important role in agriculture as a soil pH regulator and conditioner and no doubt these covered lime wagons would have been a regular sight in areas of major agriculture.

Catalogue listing

Product Code

Model details

NEM / Tension lock
Crawshay Bros
Minimum radius curve
Radius 1

Prototype information

Built by
Various Companies

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