Bachmann 39-075EPF

BR Mk1 BSK Brake Second Corridor BR Blue & Grey

Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs

Prototype Era
Era 6 (1967 to 1972) British Rail Blue (Pre-TOPS)

Manufacturer description

The British Railways Mk1 was the designation given to BR’s first standard design of main line coaching stock, and one of its most successful. Built from 1951 until the early 1960s to augment and replace the array of ‘Big Four’ and earlier ‘pre-grouping’ designs inherited from the LMS, LNER, GWR and SR, BR took the best features from several of these types to produce the new steel-bodied design. As a result, the Mk1 was stronger and safer than any of the inherited types that came before it.

Catalogue listing

Product Code
Spring 2024
Release date
January 2025

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