Manufacturer catalogue image - please note that pre-release images may be CAD renders or CGI images rather than photographs
Prototype Era
Era 5 (1957 to 1966) British Railways Late Crest
Whilst the 12 Ton ‘Palvan’ may not be regarded as one of BR’s more successful wagon designs, having suffered from uneven wear to the running gear caused by uneven loading, leading to their early withdrawal, a OO scale model of this vehicle with its distinctive appearance has been an obvious omission from the Bachmann Branchline range until now.
The new Bachmann Branchline tooling allows a range of ‘Palvan’ models to be produced, depicting the various differences incorporated into the different build lots and during their service lives, for example this ‘Palvan’ is fitted with eight shoe clasp brakes, roller bearings and OLEO buffers. With a high level of detail across the model, separately-fitted parts include the door hold open brackets, handrails and chalk boards on each side and end. The bufferbeams sport separate lamp brackets, vacuum pipe brackets and coupling hooks, and the chassis features a full complement of brake gear, including optional brake pulls and safety loops. Standard tension lock couplings are fitted via NEM pockets whilst optional accessories include the vacuum brake pipe and Instanter couplings.
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