Privacy Policy - Online Surveys

This policy document explains what information we collect and retain when you complete a survey, and how we treat that information. It also explains our lawful basis for processing that information, and how you can access or control it.

This document should be read in conjuction with our general privacy policy and our policy on cookies.

Information we collect

We collect all the data that you submit to us when completing a survey. Depending on the survey, this may contain personal data, including contact information.

We also collect technical data supplied by your browser when you complete a survey. This is used solely to detect, and, where necessary, address any attempt to manipulate survey outcomes.

What is our lawful basis for processing this data?

Our lawful basis is consent. Participation in a survey is always voluntary.

How long is it stored for?

For as long as the survey data is relevant, or until you ask us to delete it.

Can you view a copy of the data?

Yes. For details on how we comply with your legal right to view and erase your data, see our general privacy policy.

Can you request deletion of this data?

Yes. For details on how we comply with your legal right to view and erase your data, see general privacy policy.

What we do with the data

Aggregate data from surveys is published on this website, and may be shared with other organisations.

Individual survey responses relating to external organisations (for example, event surveys) may be shared with the relevant organistion. Data shared with other organisations will always be anonymous, we do not share personal data even if this is collected within the survey.

Personal data supplied as part of a survey will never be published or shared with other organisations, unless we are expressly required to do so by law.

Email, SMS and other contact information

Some surveys may ask you to provide your contact information. This is always voluntary, and participation in a survey will never be conditional on providing contact details.

Where contact details are provided, they will only be used for the purpose explicitly stated at the time of collection. For example, to inform you of the outcome of a survey, or to provide you with a reward for participation (eg, entry into a prize draw).

Contact information supplied as part of a survey will never be published or shared with other organisations, unless we are expressly required to do so by law or you have explicitly consented to it being shared.

Contact information supplied as part of a survey will never be added to a mailing list or other contact list, unless you have explicitly consented to this at the time you provided the information.

If you have consented to being added to a contact list, you can withdraw that consent at any time. is a Good Stuff website.